Canada Beginning of 1900’s

Canada Beginning of 1900’s
Canada Beginning of 1900’s: The period in Canada was the expansion of the new territories and solving the dispute of Alaska with the United States.

Canada Beginning of 1900’s Propaganda Posters:

1906 20th Century Canada, Agriculture Minerals Forestry 1907-08 Canada, Build Your Next in Western Canada 1907-08 The Last Best West is Canada West  Homes For Millions 1908-1918 Western Canada, The New Eldorado 1909 Canada West, The Last Best West, Homes For Millions 1911 Coronation June, 1911. The Grand Trunk Railway System 1911 Rally Day in our Sunday Schoool. Will you make it a Grand Success 1911 40000 Men Needed in Western Canada 1912 Lecture on Canada, ‘The Land of Opportunity’ 1913 Land, A Living and Wealth, The Story of Farming And Social Conditions In Western Canada

Some interesting related links:

A Brief History of Canada between 1900 and 1929

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