Canada WW1 Propaganda Collection

Canada WW1 Propaganda Collection: When World War I broke out in 1914, the Dominions of the British Empire, including Canada immediately and without hesitation supported the United Kingdom’s declaration of war against Germany and its allies. (Wikipedia)

Canada WW1 Propaganda Posters:


English Material:

1914 Proclamation. Recruiting For Active Service. All Men with Artillery Experience 1914-18 British Subjects. It Is Your Duty to Enlist in the British or Canadian Army 1914-18 Can I Afford To Pay for Freedom. Belgium Must Afford To Pay For Slavery 1914-18 The Navy Wants Men. The Royal Naval Canadian Volunteer Reserve. Overseas Division 1914-18 The Fashionable Spring Suit This Year Is Khaki. Is Your's Ordered 1914-18 Some Women Are Sending Their Men. Some Men Are Giving Their Lives. What Are You Doing 1914-18 Your Place Is Here! Join The Overseas Battalion 1914-18 'Faith, There's No Wan Could Be Bolder' Come on Boys! Join The Irish Canadian Rangers Overseas Battalion 1914-18 'Faith, There's No Wan Could Be Bolder' Come on Boys! Join The Irish Canadian Rangers Overseas Battalion 1914-18 You are no exception. Join Now 1914-18 'Why Don't They Come.'. Join The 148th Battalion 1914-18 This Is Your Flag. It Stands For Liberty. Fight For It. Join The Overseas Battalion 1914-18 We Go Next! Be On Of The Irish Canadian Rangers Overseas Battalion 1914-1918 Here's Your chance. It's Men We Want 1914-18 5th Royal Highlanders of Canada - Black Watch - 2nd Reinforcing Company. Men Wanted At Once 1914-18 Canadian Grenadier 235th Guards Overseas Battalion. 'Fall In The Guards' 'The Call' For Men Of Courage 1914-18 Jump Into Your Place In The Sportsman'S Company of the Irish Canadian Rangers Overseas Battalion 1914-18 Bushmen & Sawmill Hands Wanted For The Canadian Forestry Units Overseas 1914-18 Join The Canadian Grenadier Guards For Overseas Service Under General Meighen 1914-18 Join The 236th Kilties Battalion 1914-18 For God! For King And Empire For Newfoundland. Enlist Now! 1914-18 If You Were A German. You Would Be Fighting For The Kaiser! What Are You Doing For The King! 1914-18 Forward! To Victory With The 245 Overseas Canadian Grenadier Guards Battalion 1914-18 Men Of Stormont Dundas And Glengarry. The Call Has Come For Overseas Service. Be One Of The 154th Battalion 1914-18 'Let his heart a thousandfold Take the field again!' Are You One Of Kitchener's Own? 1914-18 Irish Canadians Enlist In An Irish & Canadian Battalion 1915 Did You Do Anything To Beat Germany Last Year! You Can Do Something This Year. Enlist At Once! 1915 'Send More Men' Won't You Answer The Call 1915 You Said You Would Go When Your Were Needed - You Are Needed Now! 1915 To Arms! To Arms! 1915 We Will Uphold The Pricelss Gem Of Liberty. Shall We Help To Crust Tyranny? 1915 Heroes Of St. Julien And Festubert. Shall We Follow Their Example? 1915 Kitchener Calls For Men. Join The 60th Montreal's Crack Regiment 1916 48th Highlanders. 1200 Men Wanted At Once. Avenge St. Julien 1917 Your Chums are Fighting. Why aren't You? 1917 The Guns! Thank God! The Guns! 1918 Are Your Folks Ashamed Of You For Not Enlisting?

French Material:

1914-18 Canadiens-Français Enrolez-Vous! 1914-18 Le 178ieme Bataillon Canadien-Francais 1915 Nous Defendrons Le Precieux Joyau De La Liberte. Aiderons-Nous A Ecraser La Tyrannie?

Fighting & Morale:

1914-18 Canadian Y.M.C.A. Beaver Hut 'Our London Home' 66 Strand London 1914-18 The Story Of His Brave Canadian Father 1914-18 'Once A Solfier Always A Man' The Wounded Soldier's Return 1915 Daily Mail Latest War News. The King Congratulates Canada 1917 A help to victory on Empire Day from the Boys & Girls of the Empire 1917 Certificate of Service in the Great European War 1918 The Greatest Mother in the World 1918 'If ye break faith - we shall not sleep' 1918 Keep All Canadians Busy. Buy 1918 Victory Bonds


English Material:

1914-18 Moo-Che-We-In-Es. Pale Face. My Skin Is Dark But My Heart Is White. For I Also Give To Canadian Patriotic Fund 1914-18 'Dad's On The LIne Busdy Fighting' What Are You Doing For Those He Left Begind 1914-18 Can I Afford To Pay for Freedom. Belgium Must Afford To Pay For Slavery 1914-18 They serve France. How can I serve Canada. Buy Victory Bonds 1914-18 Nothing Doing - without Victory Bonds 1914-18 Oh please do! Daddy. Buy Me A Victory Bond 1914-18 Faith In Canada. Use It All For Victory Bonds 1914-18 Increase Your Income in Victory Bonds 1914-18 For Industrial Expansion. Buy Victory Bonds 1914-18 Canada's Grain Cannot Be Sold Unless You Buy Victory Bonds 1914-18 Safefy Income Saleability - The Three Vital essentials of an Investment Security .... Victory Bonds 1914-18 How Much Should I Give 1914-18 Have You Bought Your Victory Bonds 1914-18 Our Export Trade Is Vital. Buy Victory Bonds 1914-18 Our Best Customer But _ he needs credit! Buy Victory Bonds 1914-18 Now! Victory Bonds 1914-18 Give To The Canadian Patriotic Fund. How Can You Cheer For The Boys When They Come Back 1914-18 'G-Bye Mary The Patriotic Fund Will Care For You' How Much Will You Give 1914-18 Overseas Service Scale Of Pay. Monthly Separation Allowance From Patriotic Fund 1914-18 Show Our Boys Again! 3 Millions 3 Days. Patriotic - Canadian Red Cross 1914-18 If You Cannot Put The 'I' Into Fight You Can Put The 'Pay' Into Patriotism by Giving To The Canadian Patriotic Fund 1914-18 Stick it Canada! Buy more Victory Bonds 1914-18 Fight Or Pay 1914-18 All Canada Your Security. Victory Bonds 1914-18 4 Reasons for buying Victory Bonds 1914-18 4 Reasons for buying Victory Bonds 1914-18 Step Now For Victory Bonds Or Goose Step Later 1914-18 Thrift Stamps. We Licked The At The Front. You Lick Them At The Back 1914-18 War Loan. Back The Empire With Your Savings. Invest Now 1914-18 Canada's Weak Spot. Are You Satisfied? 1914-18 Every Dollar Spent In Canada. Victory Loan 1914-18 Victory Bonds 5,5percent. As low as $50. You can sell at any time 1915 help! Our Sticken Heroes Are Calling To You - They Must Not Ask In Vain - Give !!!! 1915-18 'Be yours to hold it high!' Buy Victory Bonds 1918 Back Him Up! Buy Victory Bonds 1918 Bringing him Home with the Victory Loan 1918 Come On! Let's finish the Job. Buy Victory Bonds 1918 'If ye break faith - we shall not sleep' Buy Victory Bonds 1918 Pave the way to Victory. Buy Victory Bonds 1918 Victory Bonds Will Help Stop This - Kultur vs. Humanity 1918 Yours not to do and die - Yours but to go and Buy Victory Bonds 1918 1918 Doing My Bit Four Years. Do Yours Buy Victory Bonds 1918 Honor Button. Patriotic Owners Of Victory Bonds Wear This Button. Victory Loan 1918 1918 Keep All Canadians Busy. Buy 1918 Victory Bonds 1918 Subscriber Victory Loan 1918 1918 War-Savings Stamps Help Win The War

French Material:

1914-18 Votre Argent! Plus 5,5 percent d'Interet. Le Canada est votre garantie 1914-18 Facilitions la vente de nos Produits en Souscrivant a l'Emprunt de la Victoire 1918 'Pour que la terre leur soit légère' Sourcrivons a l'Emprubt de la Victoire 1918 Hatez son retour en souscrivant a L'Emprunt de la Victoire

Home Front:

1914-18 'We are saving you. You save Food'- Well fed Soldiers Wil Win the War 1914-18 Waste Not-Want Not. Prepare For Winter 1914-18 Fish & Vegetables Meals 1914-18 Canada Food Board Recipe Books 1914-18 Boys To The Farm. Bring your chum and do your bit 1914-18 S.O.S. Soldiers Of the Soil. Boys To The Front 'Come On Canadian Volunteers' ' Their Bit' 'Our Bit' 1914-18 'Remember We Must Feed Daddy Too.' 1917 Cleveland To Toronto. Canadian National Exhibition Toronto 1917 The Canadian Mother. Vote - Union - Government 1917 The Working Class Candidate 1917. Vote Simpson for Controller 1918 Canada's Pork Opportunity 1918 Canada's Egg Opportunity 1918 Canada's Butter Opportunity 1918 Canada's Beef Opportunity 1918 Come into the Garden Dad! Make This Summer's Garden Provide Next Winter's Vegetables 1918 Canada Food Board - Educational Division. One Week's Budget For A Family Of Five 1918 Fight With Food. Eat Less - Substitute

Some interesting World War I related links:

Wikipedia article about World War I, The Great War
Wikipedia documentary about the Great War
Multimedia history of world war one
A Guide to WW1 Battlefields and History of the First World War

If you have a related website and would like to get it listed above, please send me an email

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