Great Britain WW1 Propaganda Collection

Great Britain WW1 Propaganda Collection
Great Britain WW1 Propaganda Collection: The United Kingdom was one of the Allied Powers during World War I (1914–1918), and developed as a nation throughout the war in order to further its goal of defeating the Central Powers (the German Empire, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the Ottoman Empire and the Kingdom of Bulgaria). The country’s armed forces were reorganised—the war marked the creation of the Royal Air Force, for example—and increased in size because of the introduction of forced conscription for the first time in the country’s history. At the outbreak of war, patriotic feelings spread throughout the country, and it has been argued that many of the class barriers of Edwardian England were diminished during the period. (Wikipedia)

Great Britain WW1 Propaganda Posters:


1914 Royal Naval Division, Handymen To Fight On Land & Sea, 1st Brigade, 2nd Brigade, Recruits Wanted 1914 Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders, Why Aren’t You One Of Them 1914 London Opinion, Your Country Needs You 1914 The ‘Scrap Of Paper’ Enlist To-Day 1914 Young Men Of Britain!! The Germans Said You Were Not In Earnest 1914 Another Call, ‘More Men and Still More until the enemy is Crushed’ Lord Kitchener 1914 Follow me! Your Country Needs You 1914 Britain’s strong Arm and Yours will carry us through, enlist now 1914 Britons! Your Country Needs You. 1914 Are You Fond Of Cycling. if so Why Not Cycle For The King 1914 The Greater Game 1914 Rally Round The Flag - Every Fit Man Wanted 1914 Come Along Boys And Join The Army. Duty Calls. Come Now. Our Cheery Lads Need Your Help 1914 Your King and Country Need You - Join The Army Until The War Is Over 1914-18 Men Of Westminster. Drill & Arm To Defend Your Homes. If You Cannot Enlist Join The City of Westminster Volunteers 1915 Come Along, Boys! Enlist To-Day 1915 I hear they want more Bovril. My place is at the front 1915 An Irish Hero! Sergeant Michael O’Leary, V.C. Join An Irish Regiment To-Day 1915 Daddy, what did You do in the Great War 1915 Enlist 1915 Is Your Home Worth Fighting For, It Will Be Too Late To Fight When The Enemy Is At Your Door, so Join To-Day 1915 It Is Far Better To Face The Bullets Than To Be Killed At Home By A Bomb 1915 Lord Kitchener Says – Enlist To-Day 1915 Men of Britain! Will You Stand This, Enlist Now 1915 Men Of Leicestershire, Avenge The Lusitania 1915 Motor Drivers Required For The Army Service Corps 1915 Rugby Union Footballers are Doing Their Duty, British Athletes! 1915 Surely You Will Fight For Your (King and Country), Come Along, Boys, Before It Is Too Late 1915 Take Up The Sword Of Justice 1915 The Call To Arms, Irishmen Don’t You Hear It 1915 The Navy Wants Men 1915 Wanted Royal Navy 1915 What Burns Said – 1782, Holds Good In 1915, Take His Tip 1915 Who’s Absent, Is it You 1915 Will You Answer The Call, Now Is The Time 1915 Women of Britain Say – ‘Go!’ 1915 Vacancies Exist in all branches of His Majesty’s Army 1915 Step Into Your Place 1915 What in the end will settle this war? Trained Men It Is Your Duty to become one 1915 An Appeal To You 'Give us a hand old man!' 1915 An Enquiry From The Front 'When are the other boys Coming' 1915 Britain has been all she could be to Jews. Jews will be all they can be to Britain. Enlist at once in any regiment. Apply at the nearest recruiting office 1915 Britain Needs You At Once 1915 Come & Join This Happy Throng, Off To The Front 1915 England Expects – Recruits Wanted For The Royal Naval Division 1915 German Cruelty To British Prisoners, Enlist To-Day 1915 Ireland's Old Fighting Spirit, Thousands Joining The Colours 1915 Irishmen Avenge The Lusitania, Join An Irish Regiment 1915 Is Your Home Here, Defend It! 1915 Your Country Calls. Show Your Grit, VC - This May Be Yours, Enlist To-Day, God Save The King 1915 Remember Scarborough!, Enlist Now 1915 Be Ready! Join Now 1915 Single Men! Last Days For Voluntary Enlistment 1915 Be honest with yourself. Be certain that your so-called reason is not a selfish excuse. Lord Kitchener. Enlist to-day 1915 Everyone Should Do His Bit, Enlist Now 1915 For The Glory Of Ireland, ‘Will You Go or Must I’ 1915 Forward! Forward to victory. Enlist now 1915 Join The Royal Marines, Help to man the guns of the Fleet 1915 Rally Round The Flag, ‘We Must Have More Men’ 1915 The sportsman battalion's recruit who wrecked the zeppelin and won the V.C. Follow his lead and join the sportsman's battalion 1915 There’s Room For You, Enlist To-Day 1915 The Empire Needs Men!, The Overseas States, Enlist Now 1915 National Service, Every man from 18 to 61 should Enrol To-Day 1915 Enlist To-Day. He’s Happy & Satisfied, Are You 1915 Come Now, Your arms uniform and accountrements are ready waiting for you, Be honest with yourself 1915 Help to end the War by enlisting in the gallant British Army 1915 Your Country’s Call, Isn’t this worth fighting for, Enlist Now 1915 3 Questions To Employers, More Men Are Wanted To-Day 1915 Single Men! Last Days For Voluntary Enlistment 1915 There Are Three Types Of Men, Those who hear the call and obey, Those who dealy, And - The Others, To Which Do You Belong 1915 Under Lord Derby’s Scheme a Mere Promise To Enlist Is Of No Value 1915 Bantams, Recruiting Office, West of England Bantams 1915 Remember Belgium, Enlist To-Day 1915 Take up the sword of justice 1915 What Will Your Answer Be When your boy ask you - ' Father, - What Did You Do To Help Britain Fought For Freedom In 1915?' Enlist Now 1915 4 Questions to men who have not enlisted. Enlist To-Day 1915 Why Aren't You In Khaki? You'll Be Wanted. Enlist At Once 1915 Come Lad. Slip Across And Help 1915 Boys! Come along You're wanted 1915 Boys Come over here you're wanted 1915 If you cannot join the army - Try & get a Recruit 1915 More Men Are Wanted For His Majesty's Army. Men Are Wanted - Enlist Now 1915 Men of London! Each Recruit Means Quicker Peace. Join To-Day. God Save The King 1915 Britain is Fighting for the Freedom of Europe and to Defend You Mothers Wives and Sisters from the Horrors of War - Enlist Now 1915 What in the end Will Settle this War? Trained Men it is Your Duty to become One - Enlist Now 1915 Stand Not Upon The Order Of Your Going. But Go At Once Shakespear. Macbeth 3-4 Enlist Now 1915 Halt! Who goes there? If You Are A Friend Join The British Ranks And Help The Brave Lads At The Front 1915 Who made these little Islands ... Who ruled this Empire ... Who will stand up ... Who will Remember ... Enlist To-Day! 1915 At The Front! Every fit Briton should join our brave men at the Front. Enlist Now 1915 Cold-Blooded Murder! Remember Germany's Crowing Infamy. Enlist To-Day 1915 Make us as proud of you as we are of him! 1915 Remember The 'Lusitania' It Is Your Duty. Enlist To-Day 1915 Which? Have You A Reason Or Only An Excuse  For Not Enlisting Now! 1915 1805 'England Expects' 1915. Are You Doing Your Duty To-Day? 1916 Farmers of Ireland, Join Up & Defend your posessions 1916 He did his duty. Will You do Yours 1916 Single Men are urged Not To Put Off voluntary enlistment or attestation Until The Last Moment 1917 National Service, National Security, No Shirking 1917 National Service, Women’s Land Army 1917 Women Urgently Wanted for the W.A.A.C, Women's Army Auxiliary Corps 1918 Women Urgently Wanted for the W.A.A.C, Women's Army Auxiliary Corps 1918 Women!, The Royal Air Force needs your help! 1918 Join The Royal Air Force And Share Their Honour & Glory

Fighting & Morale:

1915 Every Patriotic Briton should join the Anti-German Union 1915 It is going to be a long drawn-out struggle 1915 The Freedom Of The Sea, Our Flag Has Guarded It. What Would These Pirates And Pledge-Breakers Do. 1915 To the Women of Britain 1915 To The Young Women Of London. Think it over - then ask him to Join The Army To-Day 1915 British Navy At War 1915 The Zeppelin Raids, The Vow Of Vengeance 1915 It’s Our Flag, Fight for it, Work for it 1915 Let there not be a man or a woman among us who... The Prime Minister 1916 To Dress Extravagantly In War Time is worse than Bad Form, it is Unpatriotic 1917 George V of the United Kingdom is cleaning away Made in Germany

Gear & Vehicles:

1914 Dunlop Cycle Tyres. 'Only me and Dunlops left' 1915 Public Warning, German airships & airplanes, British airships & airplanes 1915 Learn To Adjust Your Respirator Correct and Quick


1915 Are You in this 1915 We’re both needed to serve the guns! Fill up the ranks! Pile up the munitions! 1917 Warning! Consider the possible consequences if you are careless in your work


1915 War Loan, Back Rge Empire With Your Savings, Invest Now 1915 National Fund for the Welsh Troops, Grand Matinee 1915 Turn Your Silver Into Bullets at the Bost Office 1915 War Loan 5- Invest To-Day 1915 War Loan, Invest Five Shillings And Help Your Country To Win 1915 Women Are Working Day & Night To Win The War, £25,000 Immediately Needed For The Women's War Time Fund 1915 Soldiers' Separation Allowances. Increased Rates from Mach 1, 1915 1916 £1 for 15'6 If You cannot fight - Lend your money 1916 Lamp day, Friday, May 12th. Buy a lamp on lamp day for women's service in war time 1917 A War Savings Association has been formed at this Establishment 1917 Are you Saving for the Children, Buy War Savings Certificates 1917 Did you buy War Bonds today 1917 The 3rd of May Soldiers’ Day, Queen Alexandra’s Field Force Fund 1917 W.A.F. Vegetable Day, Funds Wanted To 'Carry On' 1917 ‘Thumbs Up’ Patron of the fund Queen Alexandra. Wounded Soldiers and Sailors ‘Fag’ Day 1918 Now, Back the Bayonets with your War Savings Certificates 1918 Buy War Bonds Now 1918 Comforts Day for Soldiers and Sailors 1918 Money Is Still Needed, Keep On Buying War Bonds, Safe As The British Empire 1918 Put It Into National War Bonds 1918 The King’s Fund For Disabled Officers & Men of the Navy – Amy & Air Forces 1918 Their Home! Belgium 1918, Buy National War Bonds and protect Your Home 1918 To prevent this – Buy War Savings Certificates now 1918 London's Week, You Can Help. Buy War Bonds 1918 Our £2.500,000 Super-Dreadnought, You Can Help. Buy War Bonds 1918 Our Cruiser, You Can Help. Buy War Bonds

Home Front:

1914 The Kitchen IS The Key To Victory, Eat Less Bread 1915 Man, it’s Nestle’s, Nestle’s Milk 1915 The Key To The Situation.  Munitions. Men and Money. Are you helping to turn it? 1916 Will Dyson’s War Cartoons Exhibition 1917 Concert, Connaught Rooms 1917 Do Your Bit!, Save Food 1917 Do Your Bit, Save Food 1917 In Clid of The Lord Roberts Memorial Workshops for Disabled Soldiers & Sailors 1917 The Empire Fair, Savoy Hotel, The Lord Roberts Memorial Workshop For Disables Soldiers & Sailors 1918 War Paintings & Drawings Executed On The Western Front By Major William. Orpen Exhibition 1918 Women’s War Services, An Exhibition Bazaar for the benefit of the after-Care Scheme of St Dunstan’s Hostel In Aid Of St Dunstan’s Hostel for soldiers & sailors blinded in the war National Egg Collection for the wounded Queen Alexandra asks for New Laid Eggs for our wounded Wanted at Once gifts of New Laid Eggs for our Wounded Soldiers and Sailors Watney’s

Great Britain WW1 Propaganda Military Art:

1914 Tank in tests by S. Begg 1914 The ships of the British Navy 1916 The artillery strike at the location of German troops 1918 British airplanes attacking German troops in marching orders by Charles de Grineau 1918 British amphibious assault raid on Zeebrugge in Belgium by S. Begg 1918 British artillery salvo is fired on the German positions 1918 British settlement mortar firing at the enemies in the battle on the Somme by Charles de Grineau 1918 British soldiers are raised in a counterattack against the advancing Germans by Charles Woodville 1918 Dogfight,  British airplane with German fighters by Simpson 1918 The pilots of the German defeat 1913-32 Avro 504K Trainer, Fighter, Bomber British Heavy Bomber Vickers Vimy By Jaroslaw Wrobel British WW1 plane against German by Roy Cross British WW1 plane by Roy Cross Knights of the Sky by Nicolas Trudgian 1917 The 'Great War' Painting Book (1) 1917 The 'Great War' Painting Book (2) 1917 The 'Great War' Painting Book (3) 1917 The 'Great War' Painting Book (4) 1917 The 'Great War' Painting Book (5) 1917 The 'Great War' Painting Book (6) 1917 The 'Great War' Painting Book (7) 1917 The 'Great War' Painting Book (8) 1917 The 'Great War' Painting Book (9) 1917 The 'Great War' Painting Book (10)

Some interesting World War I related links:

Wikipedia article about World War I, The Great War
Wikipedia documentary about the Great War
Multimedia history of world war one
A Guide to WW1 Battlefields and History of the First World War

If you have a related website and would like to get it listed above, please send me an email

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