Russia Beginning of 1900’s

Russia Beginning of 1900’s: Under Tsar Nicholas II (1894–1917), Russia: 1892-1917 slowly industrialized and yet repressed political opposition from the center and the far left. It recklessly entered wars with Japan (1904) and with Germany and Austria (1914) for which it was very poorly prepared, leading the to utter collapse of the old regime in 1917 and an era of civil war. (Wikipedia)

Russia Beginning of 1900’s Posters:

1900 ‘A.M.Zhukov’ St.-Petersburg. Moscow. N. Novgorod. Soap. Burning oil 1900 ‘Imperatis’ Association A.Ralle & Co 1900 Association of the beer-honey factory Ivan Durdin 1900 Chocolate. The trade House of D.Kromskiy. Harkov 1900 Cigarette shells by A. Viktorson. Moscow 1900 Cigarette shells of Isadzhanov. Moscow. Do not tear along the seam 1900 Cigarettes ‘Bar’. Association A.N. Bogdanov & Co 1900 My first steps for a cookie Einem 1900 Ottoman. Tobacco Factory 1900 Sewing Machine by Zinger Company by Taburin V. A. 1900 The best galoshes in the world. Russian-American rubber manufacture 1900 The Cognac of the S.S.Tamazov’s joint-stock company in Kizlyar 1900 The Joint-stock company Maltsov’s plants. Portable stoves ‘Meteor’ 1900 The newspaper ‘The Morning of Russia’ by Lansere E. E. 1900 The Russian society of gun powder manufacturer and sale 1901 Big masquerade ‘For Common Cause’ by Yaguzhinskiy S. 1901 Literary – musical evening in the hall of Peter’s College 1901 Exhibition of works by 36 artists by Vrubel M. A. 1902 Concert – Ball electricians in the halls of the noble collection 1903 Beer Kalinkin. St.Petersburg 1903 Fairy Tails by Bilibin I. Y. 1903 Insurance Company ‘Russia’. Insurance of the passengers 1903 New Bavaria by Bilibin I. Y. 1903 Sergey Alexeivich Sporov’s Tea 1904 Artistic open letters of the Red Cross are for sale everywhere by Bakst L. S. 1904 The Tobacco factory association А. N. Bogdanov&Co. 1909 International exhibition of the latest inventions by Durnovo A. V. 1909 The touring poster of A. Pavlova in Paris, France by Serov V. A. 1910 Assosiation of Nobel’s brothers. Oil. Ointments. Gasoline 1910 Beer. Waters. The Shablovskiy’s plant Karneev, Gorshanov & Co. Moscow 1910 Exhibition of works of the press by Taburin V. A. 1911 ‘Apollo’. Monthly Magazine by Remizov N. V. 1911 Artistic and literary magazine ‘Niva’. 1912 by Samokish N. S. 1912 The First All-Russian exhibition and congress on sheep breeding in Moscow by Komarov A. I. 1913 God Save The Tsar, 300 Hundred Years of the House of Romanov 1913 Buy Chamomile Flower your pennies will be used to combat tuberculosis 1913 Help the poor children buy an egg 1914 Help poor children. Buy a Red egg on the 28th of March by Vinogradov S. A.

Russia Beginning of 1900’s Military Art:

1900 Cossack on the parade ground by Nicholas Samokish 1900 Atamantsy by Nicholas Samokish 1900 Cuirassiers of Her Majesty by Nicholas Samokish 1900 Cuirassiers of His Majesty by Nicholas Samokish 1900 Grodno Hussars by Nicholas Samokish 1900 His Majesty’s Own convoy by Nicholas Samokish 1900 Horse Grenadiers by Nicholas Samokish 1900 Horse Guards by Nicholas Samokish 1900 Horse-guards by Nicholas Samokish 1900 Life Dragoons by Nicholas Samokish 1900 Life Hussars by Nicholas Samokish 1900 Life-lancers by Nicholas Samokish 1900 Soldier of the 11th Regiment of Dragoons by Nicholas Samokish 1900 Trans-Baikal Cossack by Nicholas Samokish 1900 Ural Cossacks by Nicholas Samokish 1902 Cuirassiers by Nicholas Samokish

Finland (Part of Russian Empire until 1917):

1905 Eugene W. Schauman Kansan tahto on Korkein Laki

Some interesting Russian Empire at the beginning of 1900’s links:

Wikipedia article about Russian Empire
Wikipedia article about history of Russia

If you have a related website and would like to get it listed above, please send me an email

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