Russia Russo-Japanese War

Russia Russo-Japanese War
Russia Russo-Japanese War: Defeat in the Russo-Japanese War (1904–1905) was a major blow to the Tsarist regime and further increased the potential for unrest. In January 1905, an incident known as “Bloody Sunday” occurred when Father Gapon led an enormous crowd to the Winter Palace in Saint Petersburg to present a petition to the Tsar. When the procession reached the palace, soldiers opened fire on the crowd, killing hundreds. The Russian masses were so furious over the massacre that a general strike was declared demanding a democratic republic. This marked the beginning of the Russian Revolution of 1905. Soviets (councils of workers) appeared in most cities to direct revolutionary activity. Russia was paralyzed, and the government was desperate. (Wikipedia)

Russia Russo-Japanese War Propaganda Posters:

1904 The Tobacco factory association А. N. Bogdanov&Co. 1904 Historical exhibition of works of art in favor of the wounded soldiers of the army 1904 In the families of the lower ranks, who died on the destroyer Guarding in a battle with the Japanese

Russia Russo-Japanese War Military Art:

1904 We Shall Sit By The Sea and Wait For the Weather’, illustration from issue 11 of ‘Rodina’ (Motherland), 1904 A failed plan to block the Japanese out of Port Arthur 1904 A second attempt to block the Japanese out of Port Arthur 1904 Adjutant-General Kuropatkin – Chief of the land and naval forces in the Far East 1904 Adjutant-General Kuropatkin award marks the Military Order of the lower ranks 1904 Battle at Jin-Zhou May 13, 1904 1904 Battle of the N-Zhu 1904 Battle of the river at Gaychzhou 1904 Battle of Wafangdian 1904 Bright Night outpost 1904 Camp during the holidays 1904 Cossacks in Korea 1904 Distribution awards General Kuropatkin wounded when Vafangou 1904 Easter in the Far East 1904 Fight off Lyandyasana 1904 Fighting peaks persuasion was not 1904 Heroic deed arrow Lyashe 1904 Heroic feat lieutenant Lesevitskogo near Vafangou 1904 In the theater of war – Mukden 1904 Kinchzhouskaya battle 1904 Maj Rennenkampf during battle 1904 Major General Mishchenko – head unit operating in Korea 1904 Protecting Port Arthur 1904 Rainfall in Manchuria 1904 Reflected Russian troops landing Japanese 1904 Russia’s war with Japan – 10,000 Japanese defeat at Port Arthur 1904 Russia’s war with Japan – The Battle of the River Ayhe 1904 Russia’s war with Japan in 1904 – at sea and on land 1904 Russia’s war with Japan in 1904 – Cossack patrols with dispatches breaks to Port Arthur 1904 Russia’s war with Japan in 1904 – Events in the Far East 1904 Russia’s war with Japan in 1904 – the first clash with the Japanese Cossacks in Korea 1904 Russia’s war with Japan in 1904 – the second clash of the Cossacks with the Japanese near Peña 1904 Russia’s war with Japan in 1904 (1) 1904 Russia’s war with Japan in 1904 (2) 1904 Russia’s war with Japan in 1904 (3) 1904 Russia’s war with Japan in 1904 (4) 1904 Russia’s war with Japan in 1904 1 1904 Russia’s war with Japan in 1904 1904 Russian Troops Capture Japanese convoy 1904 Russian-Japanese War – Battle of Simuchena 1904 Russian-Japanese War – Capture Japanese forage 1904 Russian-Japanese War – Capture of Russian Cossack troop transport convoy 1904 Russian-Japanese war – Fight at Jeonju March 15, 1904 1904 Russian-Japanese War – On the night of January 27, Japan stealthily attacked our squadron and damaged 3 vessel … 1904 Russian-Japanese war – Russian troops skirmish with the Japanese 1904 Russian-Japanese War – The Battle of Sindyagou 1904 Russian-Japanese war 1904 The battle near the village of Udyanen 1904 The call to defend the homeland 1904 The explosion of the Japanese battleship 1904 The feat Medical Academy student Tarakanov 1904 The feat of volunteer Muhotrova 1904 The feat sergeant Belomestova 1904 Woman translator in the vanguard

Some interesting Russo-Japanese War related links:

Wikipedia article about Russo-Japanese War
The Russo-Japanese War research society

If you have a related website and would like to get it listed above, please send me an email

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