Union American Civil War

American Civil War Union Propaganda Posters and Military Art: During the American Civil War, the Union was a name used to refer to the federal government of the United States, which was supported by the 20 free states and five border slave states. It was opposed by 11 southern slave states that had declared a secession to join together to form the Confederacy. Although the Union states included the Western states of California, Oregon, and (after 1864) Nevada, as well as states of the Midwest, the Union has often been referred to as “the North”, both then and now. (Wikipedia)

Union American Civil War Propaganda Posters:

United States - Infantry:

$90 Bounty Anthon Battalion of Light Artillery, Major F. W. Willard $150 Bounty! Spinola’s Empire Brigade! Hillhouse Light Infantry! Col. P.J. Claassen, commanding 2d Reg’t. $163 Bounty! Spinola’s Empire Brigade! Hillhouse Light Infantry! Recruits wanted for Comp’y I., Captain John P. Honstain. $225 bounty. Second Senatorial Regiment Col. Conk Command’g. Wanted! 30 able-bodied men for Company B $500 Bounty! $438 Cash in hand $438 A few good men wanted for the 34th Reg’t Mounted Inf’y, New Jersey Volunteers. 50 Men wanted for the 1st U.S. Vol. Cavalry A great rush. Cost what it may, the nation must be saved! 36th Regiment New York Volunteers All men who desire to join any particular regiment of cavalry now in the field, can do so at any time within the next 30 days Brig. General Corporans Brigade!, Second Regt Corporan’s Irish Legion Camp Lacey. Visit of Gov. Curtin. Presentation of Reg’l Colors Cavalry service D. F. Taft is authorized to raise a company for the 22d Cavalry Regiment Colonel Rush’s Light Cavalry Company K, active men wanted! Commonwealth of Massachusetts, head-quarters, Boston, May 26th, 1862. General Order No.13 Corcoran Zouaves 4th Reg’t Empire Brigade! Brig. Gen. Spinola, Command’g. Don’t wait to be drafted! Fall in! Fall in! Men Wanted for Cameron Light Guard Regiment First United States Lancers, a regiment of 12,000 strong is now in process of organization by Col. Joseph Smolinski Forward, Volunteers! Take The Bounties while the opportunity lasts! Garibaldi guard! Patrioti Italliani! Honvedek! Amis de la liberte! Deutsche Freiheits Kaempfer! Appeal! Here is a chance! Spinola’s Empire Brigade. Third regiment, Capt. Richard E. Graves Highest Bounty. $227. To all recruits in Capt. Curran’s Company, 31 Genesee St. Jerseymen! To Arms! Don’t wait to be drafted! Wanted, recruits to fill up Company C, McClellan Guards! Jerseymen! To the Rescue! Fifty able-bodied men wanted for the Camden Guards! Last chance! To Arms! To Arms! Now is the time to enlist! Nineteenth Ward! Crush the rebellion! Preserve our glorious union! Recruits, look at this! A Ward bounty of $25.00! Order No. 1 The Camden Regiment will be mustered in on the 15th inst. at Trenton Our country calls rally to its support! First Regiment National Volunteers, Col. William Gurne Rally Round The Green Flag, Phoenix Regiment, 4th Reg’t Of The Empire Brigade Senatorial Regiment, Colonel Anthony Conk. Recruits wanted for Co. I Sickles’ Excelsior Brigade! Headquarters, City Hall Park. Yorktown Young Guards 20 volunteers wanted for this company 1862 Manhattan Rifles, The Colonel Of The Regiment Is a United States Officer Attention, To Save Your Bounty!, Second Regiment Empire Brigade! Wanted, 25 Men

United States – Navy:

Men Wanted for The Navy! (2) Men Wanted For The Navy! U.S.Navy 1,000 Men Wanted, For 12 Months! Jack Tars, Ahoy!!! Let us Open the Potomac! U.S.Navy! 1,000 Men Wanted, For 12 Months!

United States – Marine Corps:

Prize Money! Prize Money! Who Wants A Change, Wanted for the U.S. Marine Corps Prize Money! Prize Money!, Wanted for the U.S. Marine Corps U.S. Marine Corps. Recruiting Service Wanted for the U.S. Marine Corps 3

United States – General News:

Fifth Ward. A mass meeting of the loyal citizens of the Fifth Ward will be held in Liberty Street The rebellion, its cause and cure. War! Our Country! Right or Wrong! Surrender Of Gen. Lee! 200 Guns Will Be Fired

Union American Civil War Military Art:

Red Devils by Ron Troiani – 5th New York Infantry 27.June 1862 Reveille On Winter Morning, Civil War by Henry Bacon Battle of Gettysburg by Thure de Thulstrup, L. Prang and Co., Restoration by Adam Cuerden "Plenty of Fighting Today": The 9th Illinois at Shiloh 1862 Battle of Glorieta Pass, Action at Apache Canyon by Domenick d’Andrea The First Minnesota "The Old Flag Never Touched the Ground" The Twentieth Maine Devil at Fallen Timbers by Dan Nance 5.August 1864, Surrender of CSS Tennessee to the Union squadron by Xanthus Smith 1863 U.S. Army transport during Civil War 1863 Union Army Civil War Drummer Boys Playing Cards By Julian Scott, 1891 Goslin Zouave, 95th Regt, PrivateBy Xanthus Smith, 1861

Some Interesting American Civil War related links:

Civil War Trust – Saving America’s Civil War Battlefields

Wikipedia article about American Civil War

Wikipedia article about Union (American Civil War)

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