USA WW2 Allies Propaganda Collection

USA WW2 Fighting and Morale Propaganda Collection: The collection of propaganda posters and other material, used to inform Americans about the allied countries, supporting them financially and materially or encouraging them to fight during the second world war between 1939-1945 (USA attended to war between 1941-45)

USA WW2 Fighting and Morale Propaganda Collection:

Allies Fighting:

1942 This man is your Friend. Australian. He fights for Freedom 1942 This man is your Friend. Canadian. He fights for Freedom 1942 This man is your Friend. Chinese. He fights for Freedom 1942 This man is your Friend. Dutch Sailor. He fights for Freedom 1942 This man is your Friend. Englishman. He fights for Freedom 1942 This man is your Friend. Ethiopian. He fights for Freedom 1942 This man is your Friend. Russian. He fights for Freedom 1943 An Open Letter To The Unconquerable Czechoslovaks by Joseph Auslander 1943 An Open Letter To The Unconquerable Dutch by Joseph Auslander 1943 An Open Letter To The Unconquerable Greeks by Joseph Auslander 1943 An Open Letter To The Unconquerable Norwegians by Joseph Auslander 1943 An Open Letter To The Unconquerable Poles by Joseph Auslander 1943 Military Courtesy. United States. URSS. France. Poland. China. British Empire 1943 Americanos Todos. Luchamos Por La Victoria. Americans All. Let's Fight For Victory 1944 French Resistance Helps Throttle The Boche

War Relief:

1942 China Shall Have Our Help! United China Relief 1942-44 China Carries On. United China Relief 1942-45 We Salute the Chinese Republic On Her Birthday October 10th. Help Her To Fight Bravely On! United China Relief 1943 China Fights On. United China Relief. Member Agency of the National War Fund 1943 China First To Fight! United China Relief. Participating in National War Fund

United Nations:

1942 The United Nations Fight For Freedom 1943 United we are strong. United we will win 1943 United. The United Nations Fight For Freedom 1945 The United Nations. An Organization For Peace And World Progress

Some interesting World War II related links:

Wikipedia article about World War II

World War II in HistoryNet

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