USA WW2 Finance Propaganda Collection

USA WW2 Finance Propaganda Collection: The collection of propaganda posters and other material, used to collect funds for various purposes and organizations during the second world war between 1939-1945 (USA attended to war between 1941-45)

USA WW2 Finance Propaganda Collection:

War Bonds:

1942 Make Your Own Declaration of War. Buy War Bonds 1942 Help Him. Help Yourself. For Victory At Least 10 percent Of Your Pay Every Payday 1942 I Gave A Man! Will you give at least 10 percent of your pay in War Bonds 1942 Don't Let That Shadow Touch Them. Buy War Bonds 1942 Just be sure you put at least 10 percent of it in War Bonds! Top That 10 percent! 1942 'This Is My Fight Too!' Put At Least 10 percent Every Payday In War Bonds 1942 Let's All Fight. Buy War Bonds 1942 Let's Fly This Flag By New Year's. Everybody At Least 10 percent In War Bonds 1942 Till We Meet Again. Buy War Bonds 1942 We can't all go ... but we can all help! Put at least 10 percent of your pay in War Bonds. Sign the card today 1942-43 Bonds of Bondage. Everybody - Every Pay Day 10 percent 1942-43 Buy War Savings Bonds. Beat The Promise! 1943 ... and We talk about sacrifice. Buy War Bonds 1943 Back the Attack! Buy War Bonds 1943 'Doing all you can, brother?' Buy War Bonds 1943 'Deliver us from evil' Buy War Bonds 1943 For Freedom's Sake. Buy War Bonds 1943 Your War Bonds are a Stake in the Future 1943 For their future - Buy War Bonds 1943 Give War Bonds. The Present with a Future 1943 Let 'Em Have It. Buy Extra Bonds 1943 They're fighting harder than ever. are you buying More War Bonds Than Ever? 1943 Save Freedom Of Worship. Buy War Bonds 1943 Save Freedom Of Speech. Buy War Bonds 1944 Protect His Future. Buy And Keep War Bonds 1944 The Sky's the Limit! Keep Buying War Bonds 1944 Fire Away! Buy Extra Bonds. In Memory U.S.S 'Dorado' 1945 85 Million Americans Hold War Bonds 1945 Care is costly. Buy And Hold War Bonds 1945 For Peace and Security. Buy Bonds 1945 'In the strength of great hope we must shoulder our common load' Buy Victory Bonds


1942 Say Yes! Take your change in War Stamps 1942 Do Your Part To Win The War. Buy More War Savings Stamps 1942 Independence July 4, 1776. They kept the faith and so you every time you lend a dime for War Savings Stamps

Stamps and Bonds:

1941 For Defense. Buy United States Savings Bonds And Stamps. Ask About Our Pay Roll Allotment Plan 1942 'you buy 'em we'll fly 'em!' Defense Bonds Stamps 1942 'Grodowski is my name' Questions and Answers about Bonds and Stamps 1942 The guys who don't say much. Questions and Answers about Bonds and Stamps 1942 Lexington... Independence ... John Paul Jones ... Washington crossed the Delaware ... War Stamps & Bonds 1942 Washington crossed the Delaware to win our Freedom. We corss oceans to keep it. Buy War Stamps & Bonds 1942 Lexington, 1775. They fought for Freedom. We fight to keep it. Buy War Stamps & Bonds 1942 John Paul Jones said. 'I have not yet begun to fight'. Fight with War Stamps & Bonds 1943 Wanted-Fighting Dollasrs. Make Every Pay-Day Bond-Day. United States Defense Bonds - Stamps

War Loan:

1943 Buy War Bonds. Third War Loan 1944 Next! Japan. 6th War Loan 1945 7th War Loan. Now .. All Together 1945 Buy Now For The Bigger 7th War Loan. Through Payroll Savings 1945 Victory - now you can invest in it! Victory Loan

War Fund:

Red Cross:


1942 Casualty - 1,000 miles from the enemy. Give to the USO 1943 Letter to a P.O.W. 1944 You are one of 50,000,000 Americans who must fill out an income tax return by March 15. Do It Now! 1944 You are one of 50,000,000 Americans who must fill out an income tax return by March 15.

Some interesting World War II related links:

Wikipedia article about World War II

World War II in HistoryNet

If you have a related website and would like to get it listed above, please send me an email

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