USA WW2 Home Front Propaganda Collection

USA WW2 Home Front Propaganda Collection: The collection of propaganda posters and other material, used to target United States home front during the second world war between 1939-1945 (USA attended to war between 1941-45)

USA WW2 Home Front Propaganda Collection:

Books for Soldiers:

1943 Give Your Books To Our Fighting Men. The Books You'd Like To Keep Are The Good Ones To Give. 1943 Victory Book Campaign

Protecting Home Front:

1943 Our Carelessness Their Secret Weapon. Prevent Forest Fires 1943 New Air Raid Warning System. When Signal Is Given - It Means - You Do This

Food & Nutrition:

1943 Eat the Basic 7 ... Every Day! Eat A Lunch That Packs A Punch! 1943 Foor Is A Weapon. Don't Waste It! Buy Wisely - Cook Carefully - Eat It All 1943 Where our men are fighting Our Food Is Fighting. Buy Wisely - Cook Carefully - Store Carefully - Use Leftovers 1943 Plant A Victory Garden. Our Food Is Fighting. A Garden Will Make Your Rations Go Further 1943 'We'll have lots to eat this winter, won't we Mother.' Grow your own. Can your own 1944 Every Child Needs A Good School Lunch. The War Food Administration Will Help Your Community Start A School Lunch Program 1944 For work. For play. 3 'squares' a day. Eat The Basic 7 Way 1944 'Of Course I Can! I'm patriotic as can be - And ration points won't worry me!' 1945 Grow Your Own. Be sure! 1945 Your Victory Garden counts more than ever! 1945 A Message About Food From The President Of The United States. Harry Truman

Postal Services:

1942 Reach Your Boy Overseas by Vmail. the letters that travel on film. Easy To Use. Surest - Fastest - and Most Patriotic 1943 He's Sure to get V...- Mail. Safest Overseas Mail 1945 Christmas Overseas Gift. Wrap Securely. Address Correctly. Choose Gifts Wisely. Mail between Sept. 15-Oct.15 1945 Be with him at every mail call. V-Mail Is Private, Reliable, Patriotic

Preparing for Winter:

1944 Don't let this happen to you! Too Little Too Late. Order Coal Now! 1944 Your Government Warns. Prepare for Winter Now!

Price Control & Rationing:

1943 Do with less - so they'll have enough! Rationing Gives You Your Fair Share 1943 Rationing Means A Fair Share For All Of Us 1943 Stamp Out Black Markets ... With Your Ration Stamps. Pay No More Than Legal Prices 1944 Keep The Home Front Pledge. Pay no more than Ceiling Prices. Pay your Points in full 1944 We'll Take Care Of The Rising Sun. You Take Care Of Rising Prices 1945 an overcharge is the same as a pay cut. Report Overcharges To The OPA 1945 Protect Them. don't pay over ceiling prices

Red Cross:

1945 Your Blood Can Save Him 1945 Keep Your Red Cross At His Side. Give!


1942 Save Waste Fats 1942 Win With Tin 1942 Get In The Scrap 1943 Save Your Cans. Help pass the Ammunition. Prepare Your Tin Cans For War

Saving on Gas & Transport:

1942 Keep America Rolling. Save your 5 best Tires. Sell others to Uncle Sam 1943 I'll carry mine too! Trucks And Tires Must Last Till Victory 1943 Is Your Trip Necessary? Needless Travel interferes with the War Effort 1943 Millions of troops are on the move ... Is Your trip necessary 1944 Have You Really Tried To Save Gas By Getting Into A Car Club? 1945 Coul this be you? Don't Travel - Unless Your Trip Helps Win The War 1945 Me travel? ... not this summer. Vacation At Home

Saving On Water:

War time advertising:

1942 First Aid to Autumn Beauty! ... The soap more Doctors advice than all other brands together! New Velvet-suds Ivory Soap 1942 Keep your Beauty on duty! Give your skin Ivory care, Doctors advice! New Velvet-suds Ivory 1942 Situation well in hand...  Now More Than Ever ... Keep that Schoolgirl Complexion. Palmolive 1942 'Now let me at 'em! ... Good food ... 6,000 miles from Home. Carrier Air Conditioning 1942 Van Heusen Shirts For The Man Behind The Man In Khaki 1943 'Battle-plans' for post-war construction. Edwards 1944 In war and peace the world's safest transportation. Association of American Railroads

Unsorted Home Front Posters:

1942 Girl Scouts Volunteers For Victory 1942 Homemaker's War Guide. Plan. Conserve. Salvage. Air Raid Protection 1943 Use It Up - Wear It Out - Make It Do! Our Labor And Our Goods Are Fighting 1943 Art Education In 'Schools At War' School Art Sells Bonds - Builds Victory

Some interesting World War II related links:

Wikipedia article about World War II

World War II in HistoryNet

If you have a related website and would like to get it listed above, please send me an email

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