USA WW2 Production Propaganda Collection

USA WW2 Production Propaganda Collection: The collection of propaganda posters and other material, used to increase production, quality and fight against absence during the second world war between 1939-1945 (USA attended to war between 1941-45)

USA WW2 Production Propaganda Collection:

Back Up Our Battleskies!:

Beat The Promise:

1941 'We Did It Then. We Will Do It Again' Beat the Promise 1942 You and I. Put The Squeeze On The Japanese. Beat The Promise 1942 United we stand. Divided we fall. Beat The Promise 1942 Help RCA Help USA. You and I. Beat The Promise 1942 Don't Be A Bottleneck. Beat the Promise 1942 Ideas Will Help Beat The Promise. Let's Have Yours! 1942 We Pledget It. We'll Beat It! 1942 Keep Punching ... In The Battle Of Production. Beat Your Promise! 1942 Your Production. Beat Your Promise

Consolidated Edison System Companies:

Don’t Slow Up The Ship:

Keep ‘Em Fighting:

1942 Our Boys Are Giving Their All. Are You. Keep 'Em Fighting!

Keep ‘Em Firing!:

1942 He Can't Fix Guns In The Air! Build 'Em Right! Keep 'Em Firing! 1942 Let's Catch Him With His 'Panzers' Down! We Will - If We Keep 'Em Firing! 1942 You Give Us The 'Fire'. We'll Give 'Em Hell! Let's Go, Everybody - Keep Em Firing! 1942 Work! To Set 'Em Free! Nurses From Corregidor. Work! To Keep 'Em Firing! 1942 Victory! - And Non-Stop Work Will Speed It! Let's go, everybody, Keep 'Em Firing! 1942 Whack The Jap On The Back of His Lap! Let's Go - Everybody - Keep 'Em Firing! 1942 We're Putting The 'Stings' In America's Wings! So Much Depends On Us! Let's Go, Everybody - Keep 'Em Firing! 1942 We Shall Not Let Him Down! Gen. Douglas Mac Arthur. Work! To Keep 'Em Firing! 1942 Warning! Our Homes Are In Danger Now! Our Job Keep 'Em Firing 1942 Together We Can Do It! Labor - Management. Keep 'Em Firing! 1942 Their Lives Are In Our Hands. Let's Keep 'Em Firing! 1942 Thanks, Buddy! Keep 'Em Firing! 1942 Swastika Marks The Spot! Keep' Em Firing! 1942 Step On It! Let's Go, Everybody! .. Keep 'Em Firing! 1942 Put Him In A 'Pinchers'! More Production. Better Production. Keep 'Em Firing! 1942 Let's Stick To Our Guns! Needless Days Off Can Lose The War! Keep 'Em Firing! 1942 Let's Open Up A Second 'Rushin'' Front! Rush! To Keep 'Em Firing! 1942 Let's Go, Everybody! Keep 'Em Firing! 1942 Let's All Pull Together! To Keep It Flying - Keep 'Em Firing! 1942 It Can Happen Here! - Unless We Keep 'Em Firing! 1942 'I'll Dictate The Terms From The White House!' - Admiral Yamamoto. Oh Yeah! _ Not If We Keep 'Em Firing! 1942 If You Can't Go Across - Come Across. Produce! Keep 'Em Firing! 1942 His Accuracy Depends On Ours! Let's Go, Everybody, Keep 'Em Firing! 1942 He Is Counting On Us! His Fire-Power Depends On - Our Work-Power! Let's Go, Everybody - Keep 'Em Firing! 1942 Give Him A Whiff Of His Own B.O. Blizkrieg Offensive. Keep 'Em Firing! 1942 Give Him A 'Putsch' In The Puss! With Production Now! Let's Work! To Keep 'Em Firing! 1942 Fore! Let's Put Everything Into This Drive! It's An All-Out Drive To Keep 'Em Firing! 1942 Don't Let Anything Happen To Them! Keep 'Em Firing! 1942 Don't Give The Japs A Single Break! Guard Against Broken Tools. Keep 'Em Firing! 1942 'Aw, Take The Day Off, Pal, What Have You Got To Lose.' Lay-Offs Cost Lives! Keep 'Em Firing! 1942 Another American Ace! His Guns Are Shooting Down Nazis And Japs Right Now! Keep 'Em Firing! 1942 Uncle Sam Wants Your Ideas! Keep 'Em Firing! 1942 'Speed! Will Save Lives!' 'Speed! Will Save This Nation!' 'Speed! Will Save Our Freedom!' Let's Go, Everybody - Keep 'Em Firing!

Keep ‘Em Rolling:

1941 Keep Em Rolling! (Guns) 1941 Keep Em Rolling! (Planes) 1941 Keep Em Rolling! (PT Boats) 1941 Keep Em Rolling! (Tanks) 1942-43 Don't Let Idle Cylinders Jam Production. Keep 'Em Rolling! 1942-45 Give 'em Hell, Pals! Union Pacific. 'Keep 'Em Rolling' The Railroads Are The Backbone Of Defense 1942-45 Give Him The Greater Gift Freedom Opportunity Security. Union Pacific. 'Keep 'Em Rolling' The Railroads Are The Backbone Of Offense 1942-45 Let's All Get 'Steamed Up' Union Pacific. 'Keep 'Em' Rolling' The Railroads Are The First Line Of Defense 1942-45 Look Dad - my train hauls Tanks and Soldiers too! Union Pacific. 'Keep 'Em Rolling' The Railroads Are The Backbone Of Offense 1942-45 On Rails .. To Ships .. To Victory! Union Pacific. 'Keep 'Em Rolling' The Railroads Are The Backbone Of Offense 1942-45 Out Hat's In The Ring For Victory. Union Pacific. 'Keep 'Em Rolling' The Railroads Are The Backbone Of Offense 1942-45 Thanks Don't Fight In Factories! Union Pacific. 'Keep 'Em Rolling' The Railroads Are The First Line Of Defense 1942-45 They're All 'Engines of War!' Union Pacific. 'Keep 'Em Rolling' The Railroads Are The Backbone Of Offense 1942-45 'Together We'll Win' Union Pacific. 'Keep 'Em Rolling' The Railroads Are The Backbone Of Offense 1942-45 When you think the going is tough - Remember Colin Kelly. Union Pacific. 'Keep 'Em Rolling' to 'Keep 'Em Flying' The Railroads Are The First Line Of Defense 1942-45 In The 'Service of Supply' Union Pacific' They 'Keep 'Em Rolling' The Railroads Are The Backbone Of Offense 1942-45 For Victory. Union Pacific. We Will 'Keep 'Em Rolling' The Railroads Are The Backbone Of Offense

Making America Strong:

1942 Making America Strong. Competitive Companies Co-Operate To Produce Important Instruments For Military Aircraft ... 1942 Making America Strong. How American Shipyards Are Winning The Race Against Time To Build Our Navy 1942 Making America Strong. How Subcontracting Accelerates Defense Production ... 1942 Making America Strong. Industy's Ever Improving Mass Production Methords Step Up Output Of Lastest Type War Planes 1942 Making America Strong. Today About 800 American Industrial Concerns Either Make Airplanes or Supply The Parts 1942 Making America Strong. U.S. Industry Today Employs 18 Men To Back Up One Soldier In The Army

More Production:

1942 Good news from home. Tanks. Planes. Guns. Ships. More Production 1942 He's a fighting fool give him the best you've got. More Production 1942 He's 'Fighting Fool' - Give him the best you've got! More Production! 1942 Kinda give it your personal attention, will you. More Production 1942 She's a swell plane - give us more! More Production

Produce For Victory:

1942 'Full speed ahead! Every moment counts. Time out helps the enemy. That's why we're drivin' hard every minute ...... C'mon, fella, let's step on it.' Produce For Victory! 1942 'Gosh! Look at 'em fly! My Pop helps make those planes. With flyers like that and workers like my Pop ... us Americans are sure gonna win this scrap!' Produce For Victory! 1942 'Guts ... and sweat ... that's the stuff victory is made of! We're fighting this war to Win ... and every mother's son of us is doing his job ... Who said, America is soft?' Produce For Victory! 1942 The hum of the motor ... the pound of the punch press ... the rat-a-tat-tar of a riveter ... the flash of the welder ... the thunder of the rolling mill ... the roar of America in production echoes 'Remember Pearl Harbor ... Remember Pearl Harbor!' P 1942 'Every rivet we drive - every bolt we turn - every ounce we sweat, brings victory a little closer. Breaking production records is the American way of doing things!' Produce For Victory! 1942 '... and God bless daddy and all the American workers who are doing so much to protect freedom and make this better world for us to live in.' Produce For Victory! 1942 'Keep 'em rolling, pal. On the production line, we're fighters, too. We'll give 'em a beating they'll never forget.' Produce for victory! 1942 'You make 'em, buddy ... we'll use 'em... and how! We're all soldiers together. Our victories in battle come right after your victories in production.' Produce For Victory! 1942 'We, the Americans of today, know our duty to the Americans of yesterday and the Americans of tomorrow. We shall keep the fires of freedom burning.' Produce For Victory! 1942 'This is everybody's war. The enemy has made it so. May you never know what it means to be a refugee ... to be hungry ... to be homeless. Be sure this never happens to you!' Produce For Victory! 1942 'The stuff our soldiers need is comin' ... but fast! We're workin' like hell to give them everything they need to beat the livin' daylaights out of those ....!' Produce For Victory! 1942 'Sweat, fella - sweat! The more we sweat, the less our boys bleed. Let's give 'em what it takes to knock out the enemy.' Produce For Victory! 1942 'No nation of slaves can match a nation of free men.We're doing more because we want to than they can because they have to!' Produce For Victory! 1942 'Man for man, America's workers and America's soldiers are the best in the world! We helped them build our nation ... we'll help them defend it.' Produce For Victory! 1942 'I'm an Ellis Island American. I left the old country to be free - and nobody is going to take that freedom away. That's why I'm fighting on the production line - to help destroy the enemies of freedom. Let's keep 'em rolling!' Produce For Victory!

Pulling For Victory:

1942 Truck Power And Fire Power teamed together until the war is won. Keep 'Em Pulling for Victory 1942 Fire Power depends on Truck Power. Our Job. Keep 'Em Pulling For Victory 1942 'You Build 'Em We'll Drive 'Em' Let's Keep 'Em Pulling For Victory 1942 Where Lives Depend on the Job You've done. Keep 'Em Pulling For Victory 1942 We're the Men Behind The Men who fire the guns. Let's Keep 'Em Pulling For Victory 1942 V...- Wearing Different Uniforms But We All Have The Same Big Job. Let's Keep 'Em Pulling For Victory 1942 Transporting Troops_Or War Workers. Let's Keep 'Em Pulling For Victory 1942 They Asked For It. Keep 'Em Pulling For Victory 1942 The Allies No.1 Heavy Truck. Let's Keep 'Em Pulling For Victory 1942 Step On It! Let's Keep 'Em Pulling For Victory 1942 Somewhere with the A.E.F. Let's Keep 'Em Pulling for Victory 1942 'Soldiers Three' - All GMC. Army Trucks. Commecrial Trucks. Army Coaches. Let's Keep 'Em Pulling For Victory 1942 Shall We Let Him Get Away With It? Philippines Pearl Harbor Wake. Let's Keep 'Em Pulling For Victory 1942 Set 'Em On Their Axis! Let's Keep 'Em Pulling For Victory 1942 Serving in Every Arm Of The Service. Let's Keep 'Em Pulling for Victory 1942 Right Down Our Alley. Production. Keep 'Em Pulling For Victory 1942 Production. Give This Heel The Hot Foot. Keep 'em Pulling For Victory 1942 Production Will Put Them Behind The Eight Ball. Let's keep 'em Pulling For Victory 1942 Open Trap make Happy Jap. Keep 'Em Pulling for Victory 1942 On Battle Lines or Transport Lines - Let's Keep 'Em Pulling For Victory 1942 Nooses For Nazis. Let's Keep 'Em Pulling For Victory 1942 Moving Whole Armies Of Fighters And Workers. Keep 'Em Pulling For Victory 1942 Mistakes Here May Cause Mishaps Here. Keep 'Em Pulling For Victory 1942 Lost Time Here may mean a Lost Battle Here. Keep 'Em Pulling For Victory 1942 Let's Pull Together To Keep 'Em Pulling For Victory 1942 Let's All Pull Together! To Keep 'Em Pulling For Victory 1942 Knock The 'Heil' Out Of Hitler. Let's Keep 'Em Pulling For Victory 1942 in The Army ... Behind The Army. Let's Keep 'Em Pulling For Victory 1942 In Action With The Anti-Aircraft. Keep 'Em Pulling For Victory 1942 Helping To Crack The World's Biggest Nut. Yellow Truck & Coach War Production. Keep 'Em Pulling For Victory 1942 Hauling Guns or Good. Let's Keep 'Em Pulling for Victory 1942 Excuse Our Dust. Let's Keep 'Em Pulling For Victory 1942 Carrying Cargoes of Men and Supplies for Our Battle Fleets. Keep 'Em Pulling for Victory 1942 Bottled by Bonds. Keep 'Em Pulling For Victory 1942 Beat The Promised Date! Let's Keep 'Em Pulling For Victory 1942 Backing Up Our Bombers. Keep 'Em Pulling For Victory 1942 Around The Clock. Around The World. Keep 'Em Pulling For Victory 1942 - Our Next Boss? Not If We Keep 'Em Pulling For Victory

We’re Building Arms For Victory:

Victory Begins At Home:

1943 Full Speed Ahead! LT. CMDR. John Bulkeley, C.O. Motor Torpedo Squadron 3. Produce for Your Navy. Victory Begins At Home! 1943 Hit Hard! Hit Fast! Hit Often! Admiral W.F.Halsey, Commander In Chief South Pacific Fleet. Produce for Your Navy. Victory Begins At Home!

Industry - The Arsenal Of Democracy:

1942 Industry - The Arsenal Of Democracy. '... It is not the individual Of the army as whole, But the everlanstin' teamwork Of very bloomin soul 1942 Industry - The Arsenal Of Democracy. Defense In The Air Begins On The Ground. '.. it all depends on me!' 1942 Industry - The Arsenal Of Democracy. Defense In The Field Begins In The Factory. '.. it all depends on me!' 1942 Industry - The Arsenal Of Democracy. Defense Of Our Liberty Begins In The Factory. '.. it all depends on you and me!' 1942 Industry - The Arsenal Of Democracy. Defense On The Sea Begins On The Shore. '.. it all depends on me!'

Fight Against Absenteeism:

1942 Victory Starts Here! 1942 Stamp 'Em Out! You and I. Beat Your Promise

Production Of Food:

1941 Soil Conservation is Vital To You 1942 He Eats a Ton a Year. Your Farm Can Help 1943 Be a Victory Farm Volunteer In The U.S. Crop Corps. See Your Principal 1943 Work on a farm this Summer. Join The U.S. Crop Corps 1944 Join us on the Farm Front! Be A Victory Farm Volunteer Of The U.S. Crop Corps 1945 Going our way? Be A Victory Farm Volunteer 1945 Fill It! Help Harvest War Crops

Production Of Metal:

1942 Back 'Em Up With More Metal 1942 Back 'Em Up With More Metal 1942 Hit 'em with Copper, Zinc, Lead 1942 Unlock the Door ... Quick! More Tanks Planes Guns. You're The Only One Who Can Do It! 1942 Tomorrow may be Too Late! 1942 'United We Stand..' Two Fox-Holes Defending America 1942-43 Materials Are Precious! .. Let's Make Every Piece Count! 1942 Here's why we need More Metal to win this war 1943 'Not Behind The Plow' Your Metals are in the Army ... Everywhere 1943 Metal at the Fighting Front 1943 Metal For Victory! Keep it coming 1943 We need More Metal for More Weapons 1943 Metal makes Might! Keep it Coming! 1943 Your Metal in Action 1943 You Metals Fight on every front! 1943 Your Metals Fight ... on land ... on sea ... in the air! 1943 Your Metal saves our convoys. Keep It Coming! 1943 Your Metal is their Might! 1943 they've got the Guts. Back 'Em Up With More Metal 1943 Your Metal is on the attack. Keep It Coming! 1943 The Army is counting on you for More Metal 1943 'We'll lick 'em - Just Give Us The Metal!' 1943 The Avenger's Shadow. More Metal for U.S. Planes Tanks Guns 1943 Your Ore Packs A Punch! 1943 We're free to choose ... This Today Or This Tomorrow 1943 Make his Nightmare come true! 1943 A Menace We Must Beat! 'We Need Your Metal To Help Fight The U-Boat!' 1943 A Real Partnership

Production of Wood:

1942 Lumber Goes To War. More Lumber Means Victory Sooner. Keep It Coming 1943 '... pass the ammunition' The Army Needs More Lumber 1943 A Blow to the Axis.  More Lumber For The Army 1943 Get A Load Of This ... The Army needs Lumber for Crates and Boxes 1943 Give Us Lumber For More PT's 1943 'Keep That Lumber Coming!' 1943 You Give Him Wings! The Army needs Lumber for Training Planes 1943 'Lumber production is falling behind our war needs. To save American soldiers' lives, we must provide the lumber our armed forces need - now!' 1943 The Yanks are There! The Army Needs Lumber For Trucks 1943 Wood at War 1943 Lumber does its stuff ... a long way from home 1943 Wood follows the flag 1943 Wood goes to War 1943 Wood Gets 'Em Over! The Army Needs 17,000,000 Board Feet A Year For Pontoon Bridges 1943 Wood Joins The Colors! The Army & Navy Need Millions Of Board Feet For Barracks 1943 Wood Lands Our Fighters. The Army & Navy Need More Lumber For Landing Barges 1943 Wood Shelters Our Planes. The Army & Navy Need 156,000,000 Board Feet A Year For Hangars 1943 Wood Flies To War. The Army & Navy Need 20,000 Square Feet Of Plywood For Each Cargo Plane

Quality of Work:

1942 Simple Sam. The Wasting Fool ... Every Day He Breaks A Tool! 1942 'Having seen the quality of the work and of the workers on out production lines -' Franklin D. Roosevelt

Women At Work:

1940 Minimum Standards For Employment Of Women In Industry 1942 become a Nurse. Your Country Needs You 1942 Women in the war. We Can't Win Without Them 1943 Save his life ... and find your own. Be A Nurse 1943 'Ive found the job where I fit best!' Find Your War Job In Industry - Agriculture - Business 1943 'My girl's a WOW' Woman Ordnance Worker 1943 So He Can Fight! 1945 Serve Those Who Served. Nurses are needed in Veterans Administration Hospitals

General War Production:

1941 'We, the people ...' Arm For Defense 1942 'Give 'em the stuff to fight with...' 1942 Men Working Together! 1942 The Knockout Blow Starts Here - Fellow Soldiers 1942 Give It Your Best! 1942 'Every man woman and child is a partner' President Roosevelt 1942 America's answer! Production 1942 Put The Squeeze On The Japanese. Beat Your Promise 1942 Your Job Is To Keep 'Em Shooting! 1943 They Look To Us For Supplies 1943 U.S.A. In Action. An Army Is As Strong As Its Supply Line 1943 U.S.A. In Action. Out Troops Count On You, Soldiers of Supply 1944 Here's A War Job For You. Ralroad Workers Ungently Needed 1943 '... pass the ammunition'. O.K. soldier - that's our job! 1943 Meet Your schedules For Victory. The Toughest Job Is Still Ahead! 1943 Ready For Anything - thanks to you! 1943 I need your skill in a War Job! 1943 Something Money Can't Buy ... War Department Civilian Service Awards. Your Campaign Ribbons 1943 more Firepower to 'em! 1943 they've got the Guts. Give 'Em More Firepower 1944 U.S.A. In Action. The Supply Line Starts With You 1945 Get The Jap And Get It Over! Work where you're needed

Some interesting World War II related links:

Wikipedia article about World War II

World War II in HistoryNet

If you have a related website and would like to get it listed above, please send me an email

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